A blend of martial arts, nutrition and mindfullness, Shantikan is a full fledged wellness program that offers a subscription service. It features a video lessons, articles, a progress tracker, event signups, and a forum.
2020 Vitality is a 52 week nutrition program designed to inspire, educate, and motivate people to eat healthier. It's based on a custom Wordpress template.
Unbetrothed is a blog and dating website for divorced people. Users can create profiles, find matches, chat, post on the forums and more.
Steve Kowalski, a family friend, was diagnosed with ALS. He wanted to do more to raise awareness for ALS research. So I made him a custom Wordpress template to do just that.
The official website for the Bacon Academy Bobcats. It's main feature is a custom Wordpress plugin that allows the coach to easily update the schedule and scores.